Home is a special place. We believe home is important. A place where memories are made, families gather, friends abide, and days turn to treasured years. We believe it is a noble pursuit to create spaces that encourage and inspire drawing near together at home. Using design, we focus on creating an environment for you to love and share with others. Each home has its own unique potential to transform to beauty through curated and careful design. It continues to be a joy to join alongside our clients in this pursuit of beauty revealed and home treasured. Cambridge oversees everything from complete renovations, aesthetic selections, home furnishings/decor, new build oversight and more. We meet you at your need and help bring vision and life to your space that truly makes your house a home.

“Light is what guides you home, the warmth is what keeps you there.”

Contact Us

Let’s connect! Whether you are looking for oversight on your home renovation, aesthetic selections, or full service interior design, our team is ready to serve you. Our in home consultations allow for the best starting point for your project. Email us and let us know a few details of your project and how we can help!


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